Sunday, January 5, 2014

I'm Baaaaaaack!!!

Remember me? Life got a little busy and frankly, so did my job, which is where I spent most of my blogging time. But, as one does, one of many resolutions this year was to get back to blogging about how cool it is living in the CLE area. Plus I'm already planning a lot of cool stuff outside of my already awesome life.

For reals though, I made a list with the hubby of all the restaurants that we haven't tried yet. Some of which I can't believe we haven't tried and still call ourselves die-hard Clevelanders! So look for that post in the next day or so.

Although getting out of the house doesn't look too promising with the current deep freeze upon us! Good thing I'm also becoming a home gourmet in my own right. In addition to my obsession with. Michael Symon anything- especially his cookbooks, I found a great app to keep and organize recipes called. Paprika so I don't always have to print them out and it creates grocery lists that I can click off as I put the ingredients in my cart! The best is that it searches with a browser and then creates the recipe card right from the website. I'm obsessed! However now I really want an iPad since it would be easier to read in the kitchen. 

My main goal with all this food talk is that I'm really trying to balance our love for experiencing awesome restaurants and saving money to buy our first house so cooking at home needs to be cost efficient but still delicious. It's all about the balance, otherwise we get real sick of never going out, but then won't feel as guilty when we do splurge a bit. 

Here's to the new year!!

Bachelorette Becca Week 9

Full disclosure before I begin… this recap could either be awesome-good or awesome-not-so-good based on sticking around for “just one more”...