Friday, August 30, 2013

Laboring on Labor Day

I remember when Labor Day included parties or spur-of-the-moment trips to exotic locales (like Detroit, Indiana, or the Outer Banks).

This weekend however?? I'm a THRILLED about deep cleaning my house. There are some necessary changes that are long overdue since Hubby moved in and invaded my singlehood life. I never needed a guest bedroom b/c the only people that crashed with me eithercrashed on the couch, or in the case of my Mom, got my bed while I used the couch. My guest bedroom in this place has always been a "dressing room." It sounds fancy, but when you only have a closet with a wall opening the size of, well, a door. Plus there's shoes, jewelry, scarves, hats, purses. Obviously I needed a whole room for all of this!

For almost 5 years, I've loved showing off what Hubby liked to call my store (he thought it looked like going to the mall). Well last weekend put into motion an entire redesign - let's just say my cheap clothes racks finally showed how cheap they really are. And in the meantime, discussions about the upcoming winter led me to preparing to purchase an adorable daybed from Ikea. (The Hubs is a landscaper and does snow-plowing in the winter and basically we've made an agreement that on nights that he either has to get up at 2 or 3am or will be coming home before 5am, he will do his best not to wake me and sleep on said day-bed.
So I had to keep in mind the room is barely 7 x 9 soooo I need something that is smaller on everyday, but can pull out to fit 2 adults so we won't feel so bad telling friends they can't crash with us b/c there's only a couch to sleep on. This has caused a full re-thinking of my dressing room situation. I also think it might need to necessitate a painting project b/c if I move all the things on my walls around, there are a lot of holes that need patched and it is a rental - so I should just paint, right? Right. I love to paint, so good excuse for another project!

On to project 2. I have all hardwood other than 2 rooms in the house (of which all pets and former foster animals have ruined). The floors are super dirty and I am always looking for new tools to clean easier. Frankly, the Swiffer Wetjet just doesn't cut it with a dirty husband, 2 dirty dogs, and a dirty cat. Outside of the hair, the layers of crud on the floors has gotten out of control. Well, I've stumbled upon what looks to be my solution to avoid a Cinderella-type scrubbing session.

 Meet my potential new best friend, the Shark Sonic Pro. I got sucked into the infomercial, but did my research prior to my purchase that it really does what it says. I have a huge Hoover Steam Vac in the attic that has definitely seen better days and doesn't work on hardwood. I have a date with a scrubber and I can't wait!!

Which brings me back to my point that I am old and get excited about cleaning rather than partying. Now to be fair, Saturday I will be at the bar with BK my Lady watching the opening Ohio State Football game and I already was a huge nerd for cleaning, but when this is the highlight of a 3 day weekend, I've reached a new level of not being 22.

And of course, I will update how my possible new bff works out! Happy scrubbing!

Bachelorette Becca Week 9

Full disclosure before I begin… this recap could either be awesome-good or awesome-not-so-good based on sticking around for “just one more”...